I have two small diamond flat files.
But these are free from dandy. :)
I put wooden handles of juniper tree
on these.
Drill a hole in the block...
Insert these tang to the hole
with some Loctite.
Cut the handle and
sand it smooth,
oil on it with linseed oil.
I make these leather sheaths.
Monk's bag...
homemade knife
and two diamond files.
I change leather sheaths's color
at nightfall.
My edge tools will be
at nightfall.
My edge tools will be
always sharp.
Another excellent job!
답글삭제The handles looks very nice.
답글삭제Nice bag, did you make that too?
답글삭제Thank you, Mr.Smythe! Hi misterfox, Mr.Thompson. The bag is my diy 'monk bag'.:)