My wife returns to home
from Thailand after two weeks of travel.
She presents something
that I would like :
ethnic patch pants, pouchs,
necklaces, beads, net hammock
and Zebra billy cans.
These colors and shapes
awaken my sensation
for more natural life
and refresh my spirit.
I am extremely busy
with pressing duties in recent days.
To make matters worse,
I was in an accident,
and feel the pain of eye
that was injured in last spring.
But, I believe this situation
will be improved in a short time. :)
Happy Lunar New Year!
Happy New Year! Those are beautiful gifts. Take care and be well!
답글삭제Very nice gifts, indeed! I hope your eye feels better soon.
답글삭제만타님 블로그를 보고있으면 그 내공이 대단하심을 느낍니다^^
답글삭제Happy New Year, Penny, Mr.Smythe, Jongchan!
답글삭제Your kind words make me feel good. Thank you!